Doctoral Training

Before the end of their thesis, doctoral students will have to validate 3 workshops in Transversal Training (FT) and 3 workshops in Scientific and Professional Training (FSP) and totalling a volume of at least 100 hours divided into 50 hours FT and 50 hours FSP. In order to reach this quota, the Doctoral School will not allocate more than 17 hours per external training course / Outside the catalogue.

  • Doctoral students in cotutelle must validate the same number of hours of training, whether they are given within AMU or within their University of co-tutorship.
  • Contractual doctoral students (with a doctoral contract) with a teaching load must validate CIPE training courses. To have these hours validated, it is advisable to request a certificate from the CIPE administrative secretary and to include this certificate on the ADUM account as external training. CIPE contact: Sonia AMOROS - - Registrations for CIPE training modules for contractual doctoral students with a teaching assignment are open in the SYGEFOR application.
  • Salaried doctoral students, working in AP-HM or in private practice, must validate 50 hours of scientific training. Transversal training is also, of course, validated.

Obligatory activities

  • Validation of the 2 MOOCs: Research Ethics AND Scientific Integrity

Recommended activities

  • PhD programs (NeuroSchool, CENTURI, MarMaRa,...)
  • Participation in the Association of doctoral students (example: Hippo' these)
  • Participation in a scientific symposium

All activities must be validated on ADUM: don't wait until the last minute; take stock at the end of each academic year.

Attestation de présence + Abstract pour présentation ou Programme pour les cours.

Secteur Sud (UFR Sciences Luminy - St Charles - St Jérôme) : Aurélie Aufray - - 04 13 94 19 63

Secteur Centre (UFR de Médecine - Pharmacie - Odonthologie) : - 04 91 32 43 05