2023-2024 school year: a IMC report is mandatory for each registration.


List of referents by laboratories

Report template at the bottom of the page


Vademecum[1] on the doctoral student's Individual Monitoring Committee

The regulatory framework setting out the tasks, composition and operation of the doctoral student's Individual Monitoring Committee (IMC)[2] is set out in article 13 of the ministerial order of 26 August 2022 amending the order of 25 May 2016 setting out the national framework for training and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma. This is set out in the appendix to this document.

The implementation of the IMC is a mission entrusted[3] to the doctoral schools (DS) by the aforementioned decree, in accordance with the procedures decided within them.

       1 The missions of the IMC[4]

As specified in article 13 above, the IMC's missions are support, evaluation and monitoring.


Support and evaluation missions

The Individual Doctoral Student Monitoring Committee provides support for doctoral students throughout the duration of their doctorate.

During the interview with the doctoral student, the committee assesses the conditions of his/her training and the progress of his/her research. The IMC does not evaluate either the doctoral student or the thesis director.

  • The IMC monitors and makes recommendations to the doctoral student, the thesis director and the director of the doctoral school (DS). It provides an outside perspective on the work and progress of the doctoral project, which can be used constructively by all parties involved;
  • The IMC monitors the doctoral student's progress in his or her ability to present his or her research work, demonstrate its quality and innovative nature, and situate it in its national and/or international scientific context. In particular, the IMC encourages doctoral candidates to clearly explain and defend their approach and the scientific directions taken in their thesis project;
  • The IMC also helps the doctoral student to master the timeframe of his/her project and to plan its completion within the planned timeframe;
  • The IMC helps doctoral students to take stock of the progress of their work, and to develop their scientific culture, international outlook, expertise and skills.

Monitoring mission

The doctoral student's individual monitoring committee ensures that the programme runs smoothly, based on the doctoral student charter and the training agreement.

During the interview with the doctoral student, the IMC is attentive to any difficulties encountered by the doctoral student. Its role is not to resolve these difficulties but to alert the DS. It is particularly vigilant in identifying any form of conflict, discrimination, moral or sexual harassment or sexist behaviour.


      2 Composition of the IMC and appointment of its members

Each doctoral student's IMC is set up when the student first registers for a doctorate. Its composition must be entered in the ADUM information system at the time of registration or, at the latest, before the first IMC meeting.

The DS ensures that, as far as possible, the composition of the IMC remains constant throughout the doctoral student's thesis.

The DS validates the composition of the IMC according to the procedures it defines. It ensures that doctoral students are consulted on the composition of their IMC.

The members of the ISC do not participate in directing the doctoral student's work.

The IMC comprises at least two doctoral degree-holders. It may include non-statutory members who, because of their proximity in age, may facilitate the doctoral student's expression of his/her views. Note that emeritus professors and researchers may be members of the IMC.

As far as possible, the doctoral student's individual monitoring committee includes a member from outside the institution.

It should include at least one member specialised in the discipline or related to the field of the thesis. It is recommended that this member be qualified to direct research or have experience in doctoral supervision. This member must have sufficient expertise in the doctoral student's field of research to ensure, in particular, that they are able to situate their work in the national and/or international scientific context, present their research approach and the originality of their work, etc. The specialist member may act as examiner or chairman of the jury during the defence. It is strongly recommended that they are not appointed as rapporteur[5] for the thesis.

The IMC also includes a non-specialist member from outside the thesis research field. In particular, this member is responsible for monitoring any difficulties encountered by the doctoral student.

Minimum composition :

  • 1 external expert (from outside the Research Unit and/or the Institute)
  • 1 internal representative from the Research Unit but outside the team
  • 1 non-statutory representative (PhD students/post-doc)

It is recommended that IMC members collectively show themselves to be :

  • Open and benevolent, encouraging doctoral students to express themselves freely about any difficulties or questions they may have concerning the progress of their doctorate;
  • Independent and without any particular preconceived ideas with regard to the thesis management and the doctoral student. The members of the ISC undertake to provide an external and impartial point of view;
  • Experienced in doctoral supervision and training.


      3 Commitments of ISC members and recommendations

By agreeing to take part in the committee, the members of the IMC undertake to :

  • Confidentiality and discretion. When the work is of a proven confidential nature, the commitment to confidentiality must be formalised (a model is provided in the appendix);
  • To be impartial and not to engage in discrimination, moral or sexual harassment or sexist behaviour, or breach research ethics or scientific integrity;
  • Be vigilant in identifying any form of conflict, discrimination, moral or sexual harassment or sexist behaviour, any breach of research ethics or scientific integrity, or any conflict of interest;
  • Alert the DS if such a situation is identified.

It is recommended that:

  • The members of the IMC assure the doctoral student that they will listen to him/her if necessary;
  • The IMC member with expertise in the doctoral student's field of research remains independent and external to the thesis director and the doctoral student's work throughout the doctoral programme;
  • The member of the Monitoring Committee who is not a specialist in the doctoral student's field of research specifies that he/she can be contacted if necessary outside the annual meeting of the IMC.


      4 IMC meetings

The IMC must meet before students enrol in their second year and then before each new enrolment until the end of their doctorate.

Registration renewal is subject to the opinion[6] of the IMC.

Interviews are organised in three distinct stages:

  • Presentation of work progress and discussions ;
  • Interview with the doctoral student without the thesis supervisor;
  • Interview with the doctoral supervisor without the doctoral student.

These three stages may be held on different dates or at different times.

The presentation to the IMC of the doctoral student's scientific work and the scientific questions on this work may take place in a public setting (DS scientific days, laboratory seminar, etc.).

However, the committee's meetings with the doctoral student without the thesis supervisor and with the thesis supervisor without the doctoral student are held behind closed doors so that everyone can express themselves freely during the meetings. Everyone is required to be discreet and kind about what has been discussed during the meeting.

Before the annual meeting

  • The doctoral student drafts an annual progress report on his/her work and sends it to the members of the IMC. The format of this report is defined by the DS;
  • The doctoral student provides the members of the IMC with his/her updated skills portfolio and training plan;
  • The procedures for sending documents to the members of the IMC are communicated by the DS;
  • The members of the IMC read this document, in particular the list of questions that may be addressed below.

During the meeting

  • The members of the IMC must set aside a short time at the beginning of the meeting to explain the framework, objectives and procedures.
  • The members of the IMC must ensure that they address all the points they deem necessary or useful to ensure that the doctoral student's thesis is progressing smoothly;

At the end of the meeting

At the end of the meeting, the IMC makes recommendations and sends a report on the interview to the thesis director and the doctoral student, who must add it to their ADUM profile when they apply to re-register.

The report must be signed by all parties, including the doctoral student!

In their report, the IMC :

  • Evaluates the conditions under which doctoral students are trained and the progress of their research; it can highlight strengths and areas for improvement;
  • Makes recommendations and gives advice;
  • Gives its opinion on re-registration and, where appropriate, on extending the duration of the thesis;
  • Ensures that, for doctoral students preparing their thesis at the same time as another professional activity, the adjustments to the course and the conditions for preparing the thesis as initially planned are adapted;
  • In the event of difficulties, alerts the DS, which takes any necessary measures relating to the doctoral student's situation and the progress of his/her doctorate. Depending on the nature of the difficulty, the IMC may mention it either in the interview report or in a confidential document given to the DS director alone;
  • In the event of acts of violence, discrimination, moral or sexual harassment or sexist behaviour, the DS reports the matter to the Respect and Equality Service as soon as it becomes aware of the situation.


       5 Questions that may be addressed

After reading the doctoral student's annual activity report and hearing a presentation of his/her work, the IMC may, for example, address the following questions:

Progress of the doctoral project

  • Is the research work progressing satisfactorily? Can the doctoral project be completed within the timeframe initially planned? If not, by how many months would the preparation of the thesis need to be extended to allow the thesis to be defended?
  • Has the research question been properly identified? Is the doctoral student in a position to situate his/her work in the national and/or international scientific context, to identify what it will contribute to the field of knowledge, and what will constitute the originality and innovative character of the thesis?
  • Does the doctoral student have a clear vision of the research process underway, and of the research to be carried out before the defence?

Doctoral student training conditions

  • Is the dialogue between doctoral students and supervisors satisfactory? Is the doctoral student well integrated into the research team or unit, and into a scientific community? Does he or she feel isolated?
  • Are the scientific, material and financial conditions necessary for the doctoral project to run smoothly?
  • If the doctoral student is working on their thesis at the same time as another professional activity, is the division of time between their various activities appropriate? Is there a need to review the conditions under which the doctoral programme is being carried out?
  • If the doctoral student is preparing his/her thesis within a partnership framework (interdisciplinary, international or with a partner from the socio-economic world), are the conditions of this partnership satisfactory? Is there effective collaboration between the various players?
  • How are the responsibilities for supervising the thesis carried out by the thesis director and, where appropriate, the co-director and co-supervisors? Are the supervision arrangements appropriate, or do they need to be revised? If the scientific direction of the doctoral project is shared, is the supervision team operating satisfactorily? Is everyone's role clearly understood by the doctoral student?
  • Are they sufficiently motivated and determined to make progress in their work?
  • Are they exposed to psychosocial risks? Are they subject to harassment, discrimination, violence, and in particular sexist and sexual violence or sexist behaviour?

Development of doctoral students' skills and preparation for their future careers

  • Are the doctoral student's written outputs sufficient (progress report, bibliographical review, articles, chapters of the thesis, etc.)? If so, how did the doctoral student and supervisor work together to draft and proofread the written work? Is the doctoral student aware of the principles of scientific integrity relating to publication, signature and copyright on scientific work?
  • Are the doctoral student's presentation skills satisfactory?
  • Do doctoral students have opportunities to develop their scientific culture and national and/or international openness (participation in conferences, seminar cycles, thematic schools, etc.)? Is the development of their general knowledge and disciplinary expertise satisfactory?
  • How far have they got in preparing for their future career? Has he/she reflected on his/her skills, training plan and additional activities (see skills portfolio)? Does the doctoral student have professional experience outside of research (teaching assignments, expert appraisals, scientific culture, etc.)?
  • Has the doctoral student been made aware of research ethics and scientific integrity, the challenges of open science, the dissemination of research work in society, and sustainable development?


       6 Practical questions and recommendations

How long should an IMC last?

The time devoted to the presentation of the doctoral student's research work to the members of the IMC must be long enough for the committee to be able to assess the progress of the work and the doctoral student's capacity for exposure.

The time devoted to private interviews with the doctoral student and the thesis director should also be sufficient to cover all other aspects.

Is videoconferencing possible?

The IMC can be organised by videoconference. This makes it easier for external members to attend and reduces travel time. However, the conditions used must not hinder free expression and the human exchanges that facilitate it. For example, it is generally necessary to open the camera during private interviews and it can be reassuring to specify that the interviews are not recorded.

Who organises the IMC meeting?

Each laboratory attached to ED62 has an IMC coordinator who determines the organisation within the Research Unit.

It is recommended that IMC meetings be organised before the summer holiday period and/or during the start of the academic year. They must be held before the thesis re-registration deadline.  

However, a CSI may be organised at any time of the year at the request of the doctoral student, the thesis director, the laboratory or the Doctoral School.



[1] This Vademecum is based on the "Monitoring Committee Guide" produced and published in October 2022 by the Réseau National des Collèges Doctoraux (RNCD), of which the AMU doctoral college is a founding member.

[2] The term "doctoral student" used in this document is generic and represents both the doctoral student and the doctoral student. The same applies to the terms "director" and "chair", which represent both the director and the "chair", respectively.

[3] Article 3, paragraph 6 of the aforementioned Order of 26 August 2022: Doctoral schools shall ensure a quality approach to training by setting up individual doctoral student monitoring committees, [...].

[4] The texts in italics in this document are taken from the Order of 26 August 2022 amending the Order of 25 May, cited above.

[5] As specified in article 17 of the aforementioned Order of 26 August 2022, rapporteurs have no involvement in the doctoral student's work. They must therefore remain independent in order to avoid any bias in the evaluation of the doctoral student's work and to provide an outside perspective.

[6] Article 11 of the aforementioned Order of 26 August 2022 stipulates that: "Registration is renewed at the beginning of each academic year by the head of the institution, on the proposal of the director of the doctoral school, after receiving the opinion of the thesis director and the doctoral student's individual monitoring committee".  Article 14 of the same decree also states that: "By way of exception, annual extensions may be granted by the head of the institution, on the basis of a proposal from the thesis director and after receiving the opinion of the doctoral school's monitoring committee and director, at the reasoned request of the doctoral student".



MAJ 28/06/2023